Residency by company formation - Montenegro

MONTENEGRO – a country located between Croatia in the north and Albania in the south. It hides great potentials in terms of tourism. Due to its beautiful appearance and small size, it is a diamond of the Adriatic Sea, and a place where everyone would like to live.

Montenegro residency

Montenegro - residency by company formation

By forming LLC /Branch/Entrepreneurship you are allowed to apply for residency in Montenegro.

Process of company registration at Business Registry Agency is easy and cheap and the legal entity can be formed within 10 days.

After forming a company and opening bank account you must be present when applying for residency, two visits are required during this process. Short interview is also required with local police authorities, and during that time, we will be present and assist you.

This is the process shortly described

  • Preparation and notarization of documents
  • Assistance when opening personal and corporate bank account
  • Company registration in the Business Registry Agency, preparation of registration application
  • Assistance in filing for special Statement on balance on the personal account for the purposes of residency permit
  • Assistance in the procedure of acquiring residence permit

When residency is granted, it expires after 1 year and it can be renewed as long as you are director or shareholder of a company.

Keep in mind that you need to maintain a company from the day it is formed. Average expenses for company are about 250 euros per month.

Later, if you do not want to be a resident of Montenegro, you can close the company and thus reduce costs.

Documents that are required

– Business registry extract
– Bank statement for corporate bank account
– Prof of funds on personal account (bank statement)
– Health insurance
– White card
– Lease agreement
– Office address agreement
– Passport copy
– Short biography and business plan


This is not recommended since the business is basis for getting residency so once the company is closed you should inform the police department.

In case of applying for the residency, it is required to be employed/self-employed

Our principles of work

Information handling requires a responsible approach, so we always inform you in advance about the upcoming steps and documentation that is required, so you can plan your schedule and enjoy your time.
After the job is done, we don’t turn our backs on you and we don’t charge premium for further consultations.
Even for everyday challenges you stumble on in Montenegro you can always ask us for advice and we will be happy to assist.

Wish you luck and achievement of future plans! See you in Montenegro!

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