Montenegro - Monthly Advisor

MONTENEGRO – a country located between Croatia in the north and Albania in the south. It hides great potentials in terms of tourism. Due to its beautiful appearance and small size, it is a diamond of the Adriatic Sea, and a place where everyone would like to live.

Monthly Advisor Montenegro

Montenegro - Monthly Advisor

We take care of our clients, which is why we have created a monthly package of services.
It is designed for those clients that are constantly living or doing business in Montenegro

Whether you have opened a company or have just moved into your new house and got a residence in Montenegro, the monthly package of services will suit your needs.

The counseling services we provide on a monthly basis help you to solve everyday tasks for easier navigation in the new environment, as well as submitting some of the documentation for you and thus save more time for you. Our team, made up of experienced lawyers, accountants and consultants, will help you deal with any unclear things and tasks that come your way.

Our main job is to:

  1. Coordinate with banks as well as government and tax authorities.
  2. Provide legal and consulting services.
  3. Inform you about upcoming obligations.

Beside basic, there is an additional set of services that we can provide to help you and make your daily tasks easier.

Contact us to inform and become new member of our monthly advisor services

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