Montenegro - Entrepreneurship

MONTENEGRO – a country located between Croatia in the north and Albania in the south. It hides great potentials in terms of tourism. Due to its beautiful appearance and small size, it is a diamond of the Adriatic Sea, and a place where everyone would like to live.

Montenegro Company Formation LLC

Montenegro - Entrepreneurship

This legal form will allow you to trade and use your entrepreneurship account with many benefits such as

  • No VAT requirements for annual turnover bellow 18000e
  • No accounting service required
  • The Entrepreneurship can be ”frozen” during the period you will not have active trading 
  • You are able to apply for residency permit on the basis of this legal entity

The lump sum payer has no other obligations in terms of taxes and contributions, unless he has more employees.

Contributions for health and pension insurance amount to 32.8% (for employees and employers), income tax amounts to 9% and unemployment insurance contribution 1%. The basis for calculation is gross personal income.

Entrepreneurship is formed for only few days and your account can be opened within day or two.

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