Bank account opening in Croatia

CROATIA – Country with over a thousand islands, crystal clear water and rocky beaches, these are just some of the words we can use to describe Croatia. It is visited annually by over 18 million tourists.
As a member of the European Union since 2013, Croatia is for sure a safe country for living and investing.

Port of Rovinj Croatia

Bank account opening in Croatia

Bank account in Croatia offers tax advantages, access to international markets and currencies. It enables international transactions, as well as access to investment products and asset management.

Benefits are

  • Debit card
  • Access to online banking
  • Easy withdrawals
  • Quick transfer

Bank account

Person that is opening Bank account doesn’t need to be resident of Croatia.

With the power of attorney, bank account can be opened without presence.

Non-resident companies can also open bank account in a quick and easy way.

Procedure and approximation of time for non-resident companies that want to open bank account:

  • Personal identification number issuing at Tax Authorities – 1 -2 days
  • After the documentation is obtained and PIN issued, the account activation activities can be performed within one visit at the bank. Activation of the account may take next up to 7 days in case the bank needs that time for performing anti-money laundering checks.

If you are interested feel free to contact us.

We will help you throughout the entire process, and make sure that everything goes in the best possible order.

Aerial view of the Cathedral in Zagreb at sunrise. Croatia
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